Saturday, November 27, 2010

Black Friday

I usually avoid the malls like the plague on Black Friday, but not this year! The need of a new computer had me searching those newspaper adds like a fool.  I debated all night if I would trek out into the early morning hours and fight my way through the crowds to get those terrific black Friday bargains.  The lure of saving over $250 on the computer I wanted won over.  I made my plan of attack and had my husband set the alarm, I can't seem to ever set that thing right.
 So, I was up at 5:30 and dressed and ready to go. I was thankful that Office Max, who had that Acer computer I wanted, didn't open till 7:00!  My hubby who hates to shop decided to come along too, I  think he's a closet shopper and doesn't know it.
When we got to the shopping plaza it was packed and loaded with hundreds of cars. It was dark and we could see people lined up outside of the store and being the good hubby he is he dropped me off and went and parked the car!  I've never waited in line with hordes of people for a store to open and even though it was blistery, blustery cold it was fun.  OK, so were only out there 15 minutes waiting!
We waited with anticipation, would I get that computer!  Then the doors opened, the crowd rushed in, and I went straight for the computers, along with everyone else.  I got it!  I got it!  What an adrenalin rush., I actually got the computer.  My hubby got the other things on the list and we were in and out in 30 minutes.  It was so much fun we decided to hit up 5 more stores before we went out to breakfast.
Will I do it again next year?  I hope I can but at least for now I can now cross this event off of my bucket list!  I did it! 


I hope everyone had a fantastic Thanksgiving day!
Our house was brimming with family Thursday and the smell of a huge roasting turkey and the trimmings filled our house. It was the best looking bird I've ever made.  I don't think I will have to cook for another week, well maybe. You just can't beat leftover turkey and dressing, mmm good.

I have a week spot for old vintage postcards and I thought I would post some of these great cards that celebrate Thanksgiving, enjoy!


                                          This one doesn't leave anything to the imagination,
                                        you just know this bird is headed to the dinner table.

Remember those lessons in school on the Mayflower?

                                    and last but not least, the next one is my favorite of all

                                                             They're after us!
I do hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving Day!!!!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Fall Colors

Fall is one of my favorite seasons!  We have had the most incredible fall here in Michigan with really warm days and fantastic colors to feast upon, it has been like God's coloring book.

It was a cold morning today and as I was walking with Kay I realized the wind sounded more like winter and the once blue skies have turned to grey.  I really dislike grey with a passion!!!  Those brightly colored leaves have faded away and are all tousled to the ground below, where many have chosen our yard to lite upon.  Prince Charming still has not showed to rake them away!

Signs of the inevitable dreaded Michigan WINTER void of color are all around.  The thought of a long winter moving in has me a little sad and excited at the same time.   I create some of my best jewelry designs over the long cold winter months. So, I will say goodbye to fall and welcome in winter knowing some great new things are about to flow out of my art studio.  

The grandeur of fall may be gone, but there is still majestic color in our Birch Lake sunsets for me to savor.
 It doesn't get any better than this!!!

Monday, November 1, 2010


Welcome to Magdalena Moon Jewelry Designs!
This blog has been on my wish list of things to do for over a year now!  I have so many ideas and things I want to share, where to start, oh my!
The first thing I want to do is send out a big THANK YOU to my graphic designer, Kristen Schooley, for creating my new banner and headers for my  Etsy, Facebook and Blog Site!  It didn't take her long to zoom into my style and after a few mock ups she turned my ideas and photos into what I could only envision in my mind. She was so easy to work with and went above and beyond working to get the look I wanted.   Thank you Kristen!