Monday, November 6, 2017

I've been a bad blogger!

Yup, I've been a bad blogger!  There's never enough time to do all the things I want to do and that includes blogging!

Loved this photo with the Mae West quote!  Not sure I'm ever "very" good but I do try.  The good Lord knows I try!

Blogging was waylaid in lieu of medical issues.  This just hasn't been my year as far as health goes.  The list has been long and the tests have been numerous and I figure I have done my share of supporting the medical field with well  over $10,000 in medical tests alone this year and I'm still not done.  Never knew that turning 65 would be so full of medical problems but also a blessing. Who would've thought that medicare and supplemental insurance would be an exciting thing to have - not me that's for sure!

Even though its been a roller coaster of problems, with its highs and lows this year I was able to attend several shows.  Couldn't of done it without the help of my hubby and family!  Thank you for all of your help and manpower, couldn't of done it without you!

So to all my new customers and oldies but goodies too, hang in there, don't give up on me, I will blog when I can and post pictures too! 

Kris Kringle Holiday Craft Show

 This is my last art show for the 2017 year!

All crafters and artists at this show!  

I will have several new things and also some close outs too!

Also, all purchases over $50 will receive a $5.00 discount - just tell me you read my latest blog to get your special offer!

I look forward to seeing your there!

This show is held at the St. Therese Little Flower Church
54191 Ironwood Rd. - South Bend, IN

Saturday November 11th
9 am - 2 pm