Friday, December 24, 2010



It's Christmas Eve and the tree is finally decorated and I'm sitting here with a cup of tea enjoying the quiet of the evening and the sparkle of the tree lights after a day of baking and making candy with my husband.  It's nice to just sit for a few moments and take in the true meaning of the night. 
A tiny babe born for you and me.  A gift beyond all measure. Not all that commercialism or the hustle and bustle we make it into, but a gift freely given to us all. 
I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and Happy and Blessed New Year!

Monday, December 20, 2010

My Creation "Flying Over the Rio" is Featured In Metal Clay Artist Magazine!

 I love Metal Clay Artist Magazine!
I must admit when I heard about this new publication last year I was a little leery and wondered if they could actually grasp the scope of what we as metal clay artist are doing. 

Well, they sure have impressed me. The articles are well written, current with what's going on today and the photographs are terrific.  
From the layout  to the quality of the paper  they didn't skimp corners and it really shows.  I read each one from cover to cover the minute I get it in my hands. This is one top notch magazine and I can't wait to see what directions they go in their second year of publication. 

So, when they asked for submission photos for mixed media materials a few months ago, I sent in my creation "Flying over the Rio".

My husband is a hot air balloon pilot and we attended the famous Hot Air Balloon Fiesta in Albuquerque New Mexico for many years.  Flying over the Rio Grande River is such a incredible experience and I somehow wanted to capture the surreal feeling in  one of my jewelry pieces.  I started with Wasser Glass to create the Sandia Mountains in the background and used dichroic glass to represent the narrow yet shimmery Rio Grande River below.  Many mornings as we were preparing the balloons for launch the moon would still be out and glowing upon Fiesta Field.  So I wanted to include it in my creation without overpowering the overall design. I was happy with the way the glass fused, so the next stage was to encase it in silver and add a hot air balloon high in the sky.  The bail behind the pendant says, Up, Up and Away!   I was really excited once it was done, it was just what I envisioned !
So, today I decided I needed to take a break from the hustle and bustle of the holidays and just rest.  Hmm, what and opportunity to sit down with a cup of tea and spend the day reading my new issue of Metal Clay Artist Magazine.  (thank you Scott and Dawn)                                 Well, I'm glad I had just finished my cup of tea cause I let out a yelp when I came to the Gallery Section and found my long forgotten submission "Flying Over The Rio"  on page 43!                                   Oh my gosh, how exciting to see my treasured creation among the other artists listed in this months gallery section!  Now, that's what I call a Christmas gift.                                                                                Thank you Metal Clay Artist, what an honor.   I loved you before, but now, well of coarse, your my number one magazine!