Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Art Show and Wine Tasting - December 3

Looking for something fun to do Saturday evening?
Need a gift for that special someone on your list?
Well, we have an event for you!

This Saturday, December 3, from 6-8 pm St. Julian's winery in Paw Paw, MI and the Southwest Michigan Artists Association have teamed up to provide you with a relaxing evening of wine and art.

20 artists from Southwest Michigan will have a wide variety of hand crafted artwork for you to choose from and help you with your shopping selections while St. Julian serves up wine samples and Premier Catering provides tasty treats to nibble on.

I will have a large display of silver, bronze and fused glass jewelry for you to choose from and some special Christmas jewelry too!  

So if you’re looking for something for that hard to please person on your Christmas list we may have just what you need.

Art and wine, it doesn't get any better than this!  Hope to see you there!

Gift wrapping will also be provided for your purchases!

 A collaborative event between St. Julian Winery
and the Southwest Michigan Artists' Association.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011


Isn’t this a beautiful table setting?  I came across this on “My Romantic Home” blog site this morning and just had to post this for you to see.   I love the little turkey candy dishes that she uses to serve pumpkin soup in, absolutely adorable.  (she got them at Macy’s) Where do these people get the time to set a table like this and make the dinner too?  Maybe they order in the food and avoid the mess of cooking.  I’m a messy by heart and so I spend most of my time getting the house presentable for company and by the time I have all the food cooked and ready for the big feast, the house is a mess again. 
I must admit that I do set our table with the family china that is a combination of my mothers and my china pattern that I got back in 1971.  Twice a year I pull out the china and set the table and it brings back memories from years ago.  I purchase, gasp, printed paper napkins cause I think they are fun and really who wants to wash all those napkins.  Then I whip up a centerpiece out of gourds and flowers to finish the look and I’m happy with my home-style setting when all is said and done.   After coming across the photo above I know I have a long way to go to compete with this lavish home-style setting that I’m drooling over.
Thanksgiving for me is a time to remember the many blessings we have in our life and the family we love.  Unfortunately, we have lost several family members over the last couple of weeks and I would like to remind you all to be thankful for the loved ones in your lives.  Love them now, not when they are gone.  Be thankful for this country we live in that is so grand, even though it has its faults it’s really the best in the land.  May you all have a wonderful blessed Thanksgiving!