Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Where did the time go?  Hope you're all off to a great start this year and have many new adventures in your horizon.
I haven't blogged since September, say it isn't so.  I'm bad.  Shame on me but I really do have a big excuse, and its not a flimsy one either.
You see we had a water leak in our kitchen this summer that turned my world upside down and inside out!

Of course, it had to happen in July! 
Of course, I’m knee deep in creating and designing for my summer art shows!  
Calgon ,take me away!!!  Who remembers Calgon?  Do they even make it now?  Hmm...  
Thank the Lord we have a hot tub now! 

Next step, after a call to the insurance company, was to remove all the carpeting and the soggy drywall.  
So now I'm thinking, why don't we  just make some changes to the kitchen. We talked about doing it for several years but never made any plans, now was the time to jump in and do it! 

        You know the story, one things                           leads to another!

Made a few plans and jumped in with both feet and tore out the old kitchen,   Oh, boy, now I feel we bit off more than we can chew!  

Decided we needed to redo the water lines, move the electrical line and pull out the insulation and re-enforce some other spots too. 
Whew, what a long drawn out process with lots of unexpected surprises
                                                                                                                                                                       NOW it was time to drywall!

Our daughter came and worked many nights after work and helped her dad with the drywall.  

She even worked one weekend while we were out of town doing arts shows to get the drywall  done and ready for me to paint when we got back home.

Sure was a blessing to us both, thank you Kelly!  

So now what to do about our cabinets since we changed the layout and expanded the space? Estimates came in at a staggering $9,000 for new ones and that didn’t include the counter tops!  Oh boy, that wasn’t in the budget, what’s a girl to do now?

Grandson Chris to the rescue! He salvaged cabinets from a business that was throwing them out and wondered if we could use any of them!  Even though the wood tones were different, the style was almost the same as our old cabinets and they were just what we needed!  A few needed cleaning & some repairs before I could paint.
I chose Old Violet chalk paint  by Anne Sloan to paint all the cabinets. Coverage was great and wait till you see how they all match They look like new! 
It was a time consuming process and a lot of work for this old gal.  Was it worth it, you bet, they look great. The best part is, it cost less that $300 to paint and wax all the cabinet, verses $9,000 for new ones, yup, it was worth it. 

Then it was time to install new appliances, and our son Scott got in on the act and helped Ken put some muscle into getting that beastly new microwave up on the wall .

Five  months later, it is almost done.  We have a few things to do yet, but even thought it was a real pain (literally) and a lot of work , I’m so glad we did it ourselves.  My only regret is the time frame in which it all took place as I battled balancing time working on the kitchen and designing jewelry.
Can't wait till the floor is in and done, but for now I LOVE MY NEW KITCHEN!

Thanks to all who helped, thanks to many tubes of Pain Relief and Cool Azul and the numerous hours spent in the hot tub too!  Dang, we are getting to old for this stuff!

So that’s my excuse for not writing since September!  Hope you all understand!